Tuesday, July 22, 2008

shopping is bad...but feels sooo gooooood!

Primark jacket: 13 pounds
Primark sandals: 2 pounds
Primark flats: 4 pounds
MKOne mary janes: 7 pounds
Total damage: 27 pounds!
Not bad at all!
I loooooooove shoes. It's a problem. There's another pair of shoes that I want at MKOne [they're only 8 pounds]. They are black, closed-toe, 4 inch slingbacks. I think I shall get them next time...maybe before I got to Paris. Je regarderai très très à la mode à Paris.

I really like my new jacket because a) it's not black b) it's not a sweater c)it's not too thick so it wont be heavy when I have to carry it around when it's not cold d) it's thick enough to keep me warm e)it's cuuute!
Primark is bad. I'm spending money there. Buuuuuuut, it's sooooo cheap! And nice quality! It's a good place to buy basics.
I want to buy an outfit in Paris....I already know I'm going to feel like a fat cow in Paris...

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