Sunday, August 12, 2012


August 11, 2012 11:00 PM

Bacharach is a darling little town in the Rhine Valley. It took forever to get here. It was a 4 hour train ride to Köln and then it was another 2 hours to get to Bacharach. Just the views from the train was worth the long travel distance. As we went west, Germany is more rural--lots of wheat fields and cows...obviously until you hit the big cities like Köln, Dusseldorf, etc. ad as you travel south of Köln, towns got smaller and the Rhine valley opens up to green, and vineyards.

Speaking of wine, Rhine valley is the home of riesling. I. Am. So. Happy. The riesling is soooooooooo much better here! I had riesling that was pretty much grown in the town...right next to the castle. I had the sweeter variety and it tasted like juice. It as great. I bought a bottle to take home...let's hope it makes it home.

We're staying at an old B&B ... There's tv here! I do appreciate tv in my hotel rooms. I don't care that it's in German. It's tv. Anyway, it's a nice place. It's called Hotel Zur Post. I'm guessing this was were the coaches used to stop and stay in town (there's a carriage over the sign on the building).

Chelsea and I skipped stones by the river. My record is 5. I'm pretty sure I just got lucky and I will never be able o repeat that.

Why Bacharach? Tessie's Rick Steve's travel guide suggested this town for the concentration on castles on this stretch of the Rhine.

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