Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Berlin Day 17

August 21, 2012 12:44 AM

I almost forgot to blog but I was woken up by a nose bleed, so now I'm blogging.

Yes it's hot enough to make mu nose bleed. There is no air. It's like we're baking.

Longest bike ride today. We biked to the site of our project. It's so far. It took almost an hour. We should have taken public transport. It would have been faster. Anyway, our site is next to the river further south east of school. The only good thing about biking was the breeze.

On the way back, it just poured out of big, fat rain. It felt totally could feel the heat emanating from the ground (that was a little gross). That was one bike ride I didn't mind taking.

Chelsea wanted to get rid of things on the museum list, so we decided to go to the Jewish Museum by Daniel Liebeskine. On the way, we found a park that had a zip line, so duh, we had to play. It was so much fun!

Jewish museum is awesome! It gets bonus points for being cold and air conditioned, but that's not the point. The architecture is awesome. It's so different from reading and seeing it pictures to experiencing the space itself. It takes you through a journey. Along the way, the slashes gives you a sliver of view of the outside or of the voids, but never the whole picture. It's so great.

Chelsea and I had Pizza Hut for dinner. Why is pizza hut better abroad?? If i see Shakey's I'm going to lose it. Anyway, I finally got to see Potsdamer platz at night. It's really cool. The lights are really pretty.

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