Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Prague 3

2nd full day of Prague wandering. We found our way to Old Town.

We found the Mucha Museum. It was pretty awesome--I do love me some art nouveau. Those prints and posters were really cool.

We made it to the Old Town Square. Finally got to see the Astrological clock. I've always wanted to see it after my cousin sent me a postcard from Prague years ago. It's a lot smaller that what I thought it would be.
Our Lady on the Tyn really cool. Really nice gothic church (I did say I love gothic, right?). It's pretty cool because the entrance is hidden away by the buildings in front.

Right when we got seated outside for lunch, it suddenly rained...and by rain, i mean it poured. It felt nice though, because it's been so hot. We were, however, surrounded by obnoxious, drunk men, of all ages! On one side were younger guys, and on the other were older guys (like in their 40-50s). I'm guessing there was a soccer game.

After lunch (and when the rain ended), we walked around the Square and got ice cream. We saw a "street performer" dressed as an Indian/clown banging a tin can. It was HILARIOUS! I gave him money, just because.

According to my guide book,St Giles is a really cool church. We weren't even looking for it because the streets are confusing, but we found it just by walking around. It's pretty non-descript on the outside, but it's amazing on the inside. I think there were people about to get married...there was a couple talking to a priest near the altar.

And we just wandered our way back to the hostel.

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