Tuesday, August 21, 2012


August 19, 2012 11:36 PM

HOLY. SHIT. It is fucking hot today and not a lick of breeze. All the windows are open and no fan. It's gross. Also, I did laundry tonight. The dryer doesn't dry clothes so I'm air drying my clothes in the room. No clothesline, so every space that I can hang my clothes I'm using (my leggings and my dressed are hanging on the windows--the room smells like laundry detergent). Since it's hot, I'm hoping my clothes will dry by the morning.

Today, we went to Dresden on a recommendation by Tessie's friend. It's not that far from Berlin; it's only 2 hours away by train. It was a good thing we went today because there's a festival going on in the city, so there were a lot of stall up and lots of people--it was pretty neat. The city is pretty--very baroque and blackened from the bombings from WWII (the city decided to reuse the old materials for the important buildings). We went on a river cruise (duh, if it's a city on a river with a tour I'm doing it). It was really nice to be on the water for the breeze. There were lots of locals sunbathing and swimming by the river bank. I don't blame them,it was hot there, too.
I saw my fair share of topless women...meh. I hope they put sunblock on their boobs. Also, there were also a few naked MEN...didn't know that nude is ok by the river banks. That was not ok. It wasn't pretty. Those guys were WHITE, not pale but white like paper. We had a tour of the Semper Oper (the Dresden Opera House). It's nice. Our tour guide was like a German Kristen Chenowith. We just wandered around the city center exploring. It was nice.

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