Saturday, July 16, 2011

Daytrip: Pisa

6:26 PM July 16,2011 on the train back to Rome.

According to my travel book, Pisa only has 2 things: the leaning tower and 3 universities. From what I saw today, that seems very true.

Pisa is an hour by train from Florence (very busy train line because Pisa has the airport). Might as well go, it's only €6, right? Right.

It's an easy wall from the train station to the piazza (about 1 mile). Pisa seems like a quiet town with a bunch of tourists in 1 place.

We didn't go inside the baptistry, basilica or the tower because it costs too much (ok, €15, but you're just really paying for the tower).
Ok, so the tower was built to be the basilica's bell tower. Construction stopped when it started to lean due to the poor soil.

History done. As all the other tourists, we, too did our share of silly and (somewhat) inappropriate poses in front of the tower. What are you gonna do, it's leaning and the poses (are) funny!

You can see the tilt very clearly at the base. When you look straight up the tower from the base, it looks like it's spiraling.

The weather was very nice--probably started out at 65 then got up to 70 with a nice breeze :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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