Sunday, July 10, 2011

Rome: Day 3

My poor feet. My feet hurt soo bad. Walking on cobblestone streets is a killer.

Went to church at the Vatican today--St Peter's Basilica to be exact. I don't even know how to begin to describe the grandeur of St Peter's Square, let alone the basilica itself. It's really overwhelming; I didn't know in which direction to look (obviously it's designed focus is on the altar, but you know what I mean :)).
The mass was in Latin with the readings in French and Spanish and the homily in Italian. That was pretty cool, I've never gone to a Latin mass before.
It was pretty hot in there (no fans hahaha) then it got really hot when we left. Everyone was hot and tired because we all woke up early for mass.

Anyway, I had the brilliant idea (LOL) to hose ourselves with water like children. It was hot enough and Ely, Chelsea and I got in bathing suits, turned on the hose and cooled off. Successfully made myself even darker :/ hahaha

Too much sun = nap time! Passed out before our professors came to visit.

Housing update: profs agree that we are paying way too much for this place. They said this the first time the housing company placed their students here and they will talk to them to negotiate a solution.

Around sunset we decided to embark on an adventure. We got on the first public transportation we saw and see where it would take us. One tram, one bus,one confusing metro ride later, we ended up at Piazza di Spagna. A lot of people around the lower steps, not alot of people brave up the top of the steps. We did :)
Walked to San Carlo Quattre Fontane and San Andrea al Quirinale, famous baroque churches by Borromini and Bernini. We ended up at Piazza Quirinale and we were desperate to go home...even contemplated getting a cab, but you can't hail a cab in Rome, you need to go to a taxi stop. Finally got onto a bus and a tram and that got us home :)

School tomorrow.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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